Teismeliste keel Eestis (TeKE)
The Teen Speak in Estonia project was launched in January 2020. Our project will first engage young people to document their own language usage, creating a corpus of spoken and Internet language, in order to base our analyses on a systematic database. Because of national restrictions related to the Coronavirus pandemic in the spring of 2020, we are initally only moving forward with parts of the project, and hoping to catch up with the rest in the summer and fall.
As soon as we have results to share, we will be posting them here.
The Teen Speak in Estonia project is funded by the “Estonian Language and Culture in the Digital Age (2019-2027)” R&D programme of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.
Other projects investigating youth language and/or multilingual language use:
Interview with Sali Tagliamonte on her book, Teen Talk
The English Project: Teen Speak
The Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language (COLT)
UiO Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan
Jyväskylä University: Multilingualism and youth language